World.Report Award 2013


World.Report Award

The third edition of World.Report Award | Premio Italiano di Fotogiornalismo has come to an end. Over 400 photographers from the five continents took part.

A special thanks goes to all the agencies, associations, photography schools, and to all the persons that actively divulgates the news of the award.

Thanks also to all the participating photographers that sent their work believing that the award is an important place to confront themselves.

The jury, formed by the staff of the Festival of Ethical Photography with the external co-operation of the director of the magazine “Il Fotografo” Sandro Iovine, grants the Master Award to Fabio Bucciarelli for his reportage “Battle to Death”.

The jury assigns the award for the Spot Light category to Sara Naomi Lewkowicz with the work “Shane and Maggie: A Portrait of Domestic Violence”.

Master Award – Fabio Bucciarelli
– Battle to Death

Spot Light Award – Sara Naomi Lewkowicz – Shane and Maggie: A Portrait of Domestic Violence